Introducing next Generation Maritime ...
SeaBot Maritime has developed the MASS Certified Professional Training Scheme® (MCP) as a through-life training pathway for maritime personnel working in the field of uncrewed vehicles.
Development is underpinned by current commercial MASS vessel operational best practice, continuing training needs analysis, classification society guidance, the Maritime UK Code of Practice, and by engagement in multiple national and international industry working groups.
The Training Scheme uses a staged approach to workforce development. The initial stage of training starts with completion of:
Module A: MASS Remote Operator – Basic Training Course
This course provides operators with an understanding of how new functions and associated operating practices require greater collaboration between operators, and the role of the system as a key agent within teams. This is vital concept to capture and is continually revisited and developed throughout the whole training scheme.
Trainees enter the course with an assumed level of knowledge and ability in areas such as vessel manoeuvring, marine navigation, stability, radio communications and collision avoidance, and as such, the pre-entry requirements state a number of approved short courses that course delegates are required to have completed prior to attending.
Subsequent stages of the training scheme then include;
Module B: MASS Remote Operator – Advanced Training
Module C: MASS Operations Management
All delegates must also complete an MCPTRB® Training Record Book, pre-training assessments and a MASS operator logbook.
Additionally, delegates will be expected to complete several other STCW short courses that supplement further training requirements.